Apr 16, 2008

May I recommend?

a FABULOUS new book???? I will have all of the details for you tomorrow - I have completely run out of time today......

But, here is what I spent a smidgen of time doing. Most of you know I use Adobe Photoshop elements - and on my to do list for {quite some time} has been to learn how to use for more than photo storage and a quick fix of highlights and shadows.......
You can see I took the picture of my 16injustafewdays old niece in a bridesmaid dress - quickly eliminated the kitchen mess that was the background....
Took the picture of me with the bride (Hi Tere!) and cropped them out - which left me without a sleeve on that side - so quickly added a fake sleeve in....
and created a fun simple page. The pages were not where I was heading - this was much more a lesson in how to use all the little buttons in the program - but I felt the need to stick the pictures somewhere!

I also used the 'erase the ugly background technique' with a picture of Ris - if I can learn 2 buttons a week in photoshop - then I will consider that success. Tomorrow I will have all of the book details for you (and the best part - it COMES with a photoshop program AND is under $15!!)
for now, I need to run. Michelle Obama is at Karisa's school today and I am not sure the buses will be running right - so she wanted me on standby to come pick her up if her bus was at the end of the line....

Edited to add::
I have put the book in my Amazon store - http://astore.amazon.com/paperscapes-20 if you click here, you can order it - more on my review of it tomorrow!


Patty Bennett said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. I ordered it last night! I have barely scratched the surface of what PSE can do and I am eager to read this book! Love what you did! Patty

Unknown said...

You will love it - at least I do! It makes you feel like you don't need to invest a whole lotta time and mental power into the PSE and still use the program in the way we need to.