Oct 18, 2017

Brightly Lit Christmas Lamp Post

my special - through Oct 21 - is this - Shop via my website.  When your order comes to $85 (pre shipping and tax) and you enter the hostess code KZY4CQF9 when prompted - when done email me with an ADDITIONAL $20 in merchandise - MY TREAT!
How does $20 in free sound??!!!  Orders must be to me by midnight EST on the 21st
This card may seem like it has a lot of working parts - but in reality it goes together pretty easily.  It would be an easy one to mass produce - as you could focus on doing one of the steps at a time.  I have used the bundle - omitting several pieces from both the dies and the stamps - so countless looks are possible!

The Designer Series Paper used is a sheet from one of my favorites this Holiday Catalog - Christmas Around the World.  The images on this sheet bring memories of the UK - but for us Indy folks - there is a definite nod to the tree we visit every Christmas Eve as a family - our tree of lights on the Circle.

You may have missed this charming ribbon as it's on a page in the catalog with so very much going on - go back and take a look at the Quilted Christmas Suite and the ribbon that is part of it.

I did use the multipurpose adhesive sheets for the front lamp.  The design is so intricate that I found trying to stick any other adhesive to it could cause it to tear.
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