I can not believe that Christmas is over and 2008 is coming to a speedy end itself.

I have so much to do this week, but it still feels like I am vacation - needs to be a mind over matter or maybe just being a better steward of my time:^)

Last week was packed full to the brim with activity and fun. The Saturday before Christmas we shopped, Sunday we wrapped and baked, Monday we celebrated with the Dieterlens and mom arrived. Tuesday was that ice storm, cookie baking and a party with friends (thankfully we just had to head across the street, but even that was a little treacherous).

Christmas Eve we baked for Christmas day - and had our traditional fondue. Christmas was Christmas - and over in a blink. We opened, we ate, we played and we relaxed. The day after we shopped.

Saturday we headed to Hardinsburg - and came back Monday evening. I feel tired again just typing all that we did! I will add some additional pictures later and now need to wake my daughter and decide what our day holds.

Camp is Monday - and for those of you who know me well, will not be suprised to know I don't have one project created yet (not even in my head!). The decorations also need to come down - but I do truly hate to do that - I had thought this weekend may be good, but I can't wear myself out before the Colts play! oh, and there still is.....New Years Eve!!
Hi Cheri,
Hey, catch me up to date on who everyone is, esp. the pic of all the young girls. Are they your nieces? So hard to believe.
Did I tell you we still have Tashi? He's 14.
Anyway, just popped in to see what you're up to. xoxox
Tashi is the same age as Karisa! Unfortunately (for him) 14 for dogs is not 14 for girls!
The picture with my mom at the table has Lori with Kasey (her oldest) and Makenzie, Brad's daughter. Cari is his wife and she is standing behind Lori.
The picture by the tree outside (in French Lick!) also has Trevor, Lori's son.
Bethany and her 2 girls were not there while I had my camera out, so no pictures of them.
The girls on the couch with Karisa are all daughters of 2 families that we are great friends with.
The family standing on the bridge with us is one of my best girlfriends - and a huge stalker of your blog!! Tonya just thinks you are fabulous!
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