I know those of you {susan} who think I am a more is more person.....these pictures should not be offered up as evidence.
I am trying to know how to use my brushes - so instead of opening up a ton of pictures - I simply do a LOT on one picture:^) When at last I know what to do and, more importantly, what I like then I will make them look not quite..... as much!
The weekend was beautiful. We lost an hour sleep, but here it is 7:30pm and still bright, sunny and warm.
Ben Davis ladies won the State Championship game last night! What fun it was!!! A great game, not a nail*biter til the end, but they pulled thru and we cheered and cheered. They are also ranked #1 in the nation. Ris's golf coach is also the girls basketball coach - and some of her golf teammates are on the team
More SAB samples tomorrow!
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