Jul 23, 2007

A Stack of Stamping....

See, I told you ~ I have been stamping...... Just not the kind that I find terribly motivating!

Here is what close to 200 stamped cardfronts look like. I can't take credit for all of the work, Karisa did a fair bit of it (thus earning her some merchandise from Memento Mall!).

Stamping trades doesn't have a lot of inspirational value, but when you are done - it does give a great sense of accomplishment! Even more so when you get to go dispose of the your own cards and trade them for great ideas from other stampers.

I leave tomorrow for the Stampin' Up! covention in Denver...... We have computer access, but I am working, so not quite sure if I will have time to add any posts. You can always check back to look. If I can find a moment, I will try to put up some pictures from the displays.

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