Aug 23, 2018

My Promised Sale of Extra Staging Items! Demonstrators and Stampers - Here's Your Chance to Make Your Office Cute!

I get messages ALL the time asking where I get the items I use in my videos and pictures that I post online.  It can be hard to find them - so when I do (or when my friends do!) we tend to "stock up" because....well, that's what we do, lol.

I am now "un-stocking" and it's YOUR chance to get your hands on some of what has been sitting around not being used.  It's all new - not used.  But - before you ask - NO, I do not have another Washi.  It has taken us a YEAR to find 3 of them - and there are 3 of us. So now the 3 of us all finally have one.  Seriously, I do know how cute that one is.

I am only leaving the items up ON FACEBOOK til they are gone or til next Tuesday - whichever is first.  I do have more - but it kind of depends on how much work this is whether or not I will sell them.

Shipping info is on the Facebook post and I have added a short YouTube video -mainly because a lot of interest has come from there as well and I didn't want those followers to be left out!.

If you are in the Indy area, you are welcome to pick the items up to not pay the shipping.

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