Oct 28, 2017

Fairy Glen (Uig), Isle of Skye Scotland - still.....on Day 4 of our Scotland Trip

A couple of weeks ago we went to the movies to see Disney's Brave.  As a mom, let me say, Disney does not treat us very well at all.  In Brave at least the mom gets to live (because how many of their heroines are orphans??), but seriously Merida - she is Queen and she has lived a tad bit longer than you.  Might I suggest you listen to her?  That said - it has one fantastic sound track and the art crams all of the Scottish wonders into the small little area that is their kingdom.  Just take a deep breath and get through the teenager and the husband :)   We used the sound track for our drive.

If I had to pick a favorite Disney character - Tink is my go to girl.  And the Glen we stopped at next could be Tink's hideout.

 This stop was a completely magical little place called Uig, known as the Fairy Glen.  Everything is just naturally miniature.  For no known reason - it's just as if God placed it here to bring a smile to the faces of those lucky enough to be one who gets to see it.
It is down a one lane road - but there are lots of things down one lane roads here - and not all of them are off the beaten path - so that isn't really a big deal.

It is one of the few places that we went that actually had other people.  There was space to park less than 8 cars.  During the summer months I guess you either have to park a fair way off and walk or go in to town and take a bus.  I do think having it full of people would lessen the magic of it a bit.

The trees are knarly, the ground is mossy, the hills are small and bumpy.  It is simply charming.

 The geological formations are formed by the same kind of event (a landslip) that formed the Quiraing we had visited earlier that day - just on a much smaller scale.

The Fairy Glens are on private property and it has only been in recent years as tourist buses have begun bringing in large number of people at at time that some of the natural aspects have begun to erode and vandalism has begun to occur.  

  One of my favorite places in Victoria was a place where you could go have a picnic and the birds would come and land on the table and you could feed them.  When Ris was a baby we took my mom - the birds freaked her out.  It was a secluded place with just a picnic table.  We went back when she was in kindergarten.  I couldn't wait to take her there.  When we got there it had been totally transformed by tourist buses dropping loads of people with bags of bird seed off.   Things like this just make me sad.

There are several little lochs around the glen as well.

 From the distance the rock formation up in the right hand corner looks like a castle ruin.  It is even name Castle Ewan.

I would hate to count just how many pictures we took on Day 4 of this trip.  I only am posting ones from two cameras and my phone.  There were two other phones and a GoPro that all have pictures as well - and some great ones at that....but I will never get the trip documented if I don't draw the line somewhere!  

We had wanted to see the Fairy Pools - we got there and the car park was full - and because it was early in the year - there was nothing in bloom.  We skipped it and went to find something to eat and to make our way off the island.  One more post and I should be able to finish up our glorious day on the Isle of Skye.

To read more about our adventures in Scotland - click HERE

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